Premier: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Lee Webster 4 4 100.00
2 Rhys Dowling 3 3 100.00
2 Hayden Murphy 3 3 100.00
2 Bryan Lim 3 3 100.00
2 Peter Rose 3 3 100.00
6 Kumail Naqvi 2 2 100.00
6 Joshua Rahul Raj 2 2 100.00
8 Nicholas Calvert 1 1 100.00
8 Clay Canty 1 1 100.00
8 Terrence Gibbons 1 1 100.00
11 Nick Randall 3 4 75.00
12 Sebastien Clavel 2 3 66.67
12 Andrew Hayes 2 3 66.67
12 Kobe Weder 2 3 66.67
12 David Hass 2 3 66.67
12 Michael Collins 2 3 66.67
17 Rohan Siddans 3 5 60.00
18 Matthew Finitsis 2 4 50.00
18 Kayden Canty 2 4 50.00
20 Kijan Sultana 1 2 50.00
20 Bryce Boukogiannis 1 2 50.00
20 Ben Harris 1 2 50.00
20 Joel Roshan Raj 1 2 50.00
20 Samantha Calvert 1 2 50.00
20 Brendan MacDonald 1 2 50.00
20 Jack Hudson 1 2 50.00
20 Hayden Reynolds 1 2 50.00
28 Caleb Johnson 1 3 33.33
28 Cameron Darton 1 3 33.33
28 Mitchell Stafford 1 3 33.33
31 Scott O'Shea 1 4 25.00
31 Doug Campbell 1 4 25.00
31 Mitchell Wilson 1 4 25.00
31 Steven Woolley 1 4 25.00
35 Justin Langridge 0 3 0.00
35 Brent Turner 0 3 0.00
37 Shane de Waard 0 2 0.00
37 Broadley Miller 0 2 0.00
37 Gianluca Bushell-O’C… 0 2 0.00
40 Mitchell Fegan 0 1 0.00
40 Andre Lynn 0 1 0.00
40 Prahlad Dev 0 1 0.00
40 Andy Watson 0 1 0.00
40 Troy Van Der Venne 0 1 0.00
40 Damien Niebling 0 1 0.00
40 Kyle Piggott 0 1 0.00
40 Zach Wilson 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Bryan Lim 2037
2 Rhys Dowling 1921
3 Kijan Sultana 1864
4 Brendan MacDonald 1862
5 Nicholas Calvert 1858
6 Cameron Darton 1850
7 Jack Hudson 1835
8 Caleb Johnson 1829
9 Gianluca Bushell-O’C… 1811
10 Andre Lynn 1793
11 Kyle Piggott 1660
12 Joshua Rahul Raj 1641
13 Michael Collins 1633
14 Terrence Gibbons 1619
15 Joel Roshan Raj 1614
16 Nick Randall 1604
17 Peter Rose 1602
18 Zach Wilson 1597
19 Mitchell Fegan 1590
20 Rohan Siddans 1587
21 Sebastien Clavel 1586
22 Kayden Canty 1583
23 Bryce Boukogiannis 1576
24 Ben Harris 1569
25 Hayden Murphy 1567
26 Mitchell Stafford 1566
27 Scott O'Shea 1565
28 Andrew Hayes 1562
29 Kumail Naqvi 1555
30 Kobe Weder 1547
31 Lee Webster 1542
31 Clay Canty 1542
33 Troy Van Der Venne 1534
34 Mitchell Wilson 1531
35 David Hass 1526
36 Brent Turner 1524
37 Hayden Reynolds 1503
38 Doug Campbell 1491
39 Damien Niebling 1468
40 Matthew Finitsis 1466
41 Shane de Waard 1441
41 Samantha Calvert 1441
43 Steven Woolley 1438
44 Broadley Miller 1422
45 Andy Watson 1392
46 Prahlad Dev 1363
47 Justin Langridge 1361
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Caleb Johnson 0.00 1 2
2 Nick Randall 75.00 3 1
3 Mitchell Wilson 25.00 1 3
4 Matthew Finitsis 50.00 2 2
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Lee Webster 2 2 100.00
2 Sebastien Clavel 1 1 100.00
2 Nicholas Calvert 1 1 100.00
2 Hayden Murphy 1 1 100.00
2 Clay Canty 1 1 100.00
2 Peter Rose 1 1 100.00
7 Bryce Boukogiannis 1 2 50.00
7 Samantha Calvert 1 2 50.00
7 Brendan MacDonald 1 2 50.00
7 Jack Hudson 1 2 50.00
11 Matthew Finitsis 1 3 33.33
11 Steven Woolley 1 3 33.33
11 Rohan Siddans 1 3 33.33
14 Justin Langridge 3 0.00
14 Brent Turner 3 0.00
14 Doug Campbell 3 0.00
14 Mitchell Wilson 3 0.00
18 Mitchell Stafford 2 0.00
18 Shane de Waard 2 0.00
18 Broadley Miller 2 0.00
18 Gianluca Bushell-O’C… 2 0.00
22 Caleb Johnson 1 0.00
22 Andre Lynn 1 0.00
22 Kayden Canty 1 0.00
22 Andrew Hayes 1 0.00
22 Prahlad Dev 1 0.00
22 Nick Randall 1 0.00
22 Kijan Sultana 1 0.00
22 David Hass 1 0.00
22 Joel Roshan Raj 1 0.00
22 Andy Watson 1 0.00
22 Michael Collins 1 0.00
22 Kyle Piggott 1 0.00
22 Zach Wilson 1 0.00
22 Scott O'Shea 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Matthew Finitsis 1407 1466 59
2 Peter Rose 1561 1602 41
3 Lee Webster 1504 1542 38
4 Broadley Miller 1408 1422 14
5 Andre Lynn 1781 1793 12
5 Clay Canty 1530 1542 12
7 Jack Hudson 1824 1835 11
8 Michael Collins 1623 1633 10
9 David Hass 1517 1526 9
10 Justin Langridge 1354 1361 7
11 Brendan MacDonald 1855 1862 7
12 Rohan Siddans 1581 1587 6
13 Nick Randall 1598 1604 6
14 Ben Harris 1563 1569 6
15 Hayden Murphy 1562 1567 5
16 Sebastien Clavel 1582 1586 4
17 Joshua Rahul Raj 1638 1641 3
18 Kumail Naqvi 1553 1555 2
18 Samantha Calvert 1439 1441 2
20 Kayden Canty 1582 1583 1
20 Steven Woolley 1437 1438 1
22 Rhys Dowling 1920 1921 1
23 Kyle Piggott 1659 1660 1
24 Andrew Hayes 1562 1562 0
24 Bryan Lim 2037 2037 0
26 Kijan Sultana 1864 1864 0
27 Prahlad Dev 1363 1363 0
28 Joel Roshan Raj 1616 1614 -2
29 Andy Watson 1394 1392 -2
29 Zach Wilson 1599 1597 -2
31 Doug Campbell 1494 1491 -3
32 Caleb Johnson 1832 1829 -3
32 Brent Turner 1527 1524 -3
34 Gianluca Bushell-O’C… 1814 1811 -3
35 Nicholas Calvert 1862 1858 -4
36 Mitchell Stafford 1571 1566 -5
37 Terrence Gibbons 1624 1619 -5
38 Troy Van Der Venne 1540 1534 -6
39 Mitchell Fegan 1598 1590 -8
40 Kobe Weder 1556 1547 -9
41 Cameron Darton 1860 1850 -10
42 Bryce Boukogiannis 1586 1576 -10
43 Damien Niebling 1478 1468 -10
44 Scott O'Shea 1582 1565 -17
45 Shane de Waard 1459 1441 -18
46 Hayden Reynolds 1522 1503 -19
47 Mitchell Wilson 1551 1531 -20
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Justin Langridge 3 3 100.00
1 Brent Turner 3 3 100.00
3 Shane de Waard 2 2 100.00
3 Broadley Miller 2 2 100.00
3 Gianluca Bushell-O’C… 2 2 100.00
6 Mitchell Fegan 1 1 100.00
6 Andre Lynn 1 1 100.00
6 Prahlad Dev 1 1 100.00
6 Andy Watson 1 1 100.00
6 Troy Van Der Venne 1 1 100.00
6 Damien Niebling 1 1 100.00
6 Kyle Piggott 1 1 100.00
6 Zach Wilson 1 1 100.00
14 Scott O'Shea 3 4 75.00
14 Doug Campbell 3 4 75.00
14 Mitchell Wilson 3 4 75.00
14 Steven Woolley 3 4 75.00
18 Caleb Johnson 2 3 66.67
18 Cameron Darton 2 3 66.67
18 Mitchell Stafford 2 3 66.67
21 Matthew Finitsis 2 4 50.00
21 Kayden Canty 2 4 50.00
23 Kijan Sultana 1 2 50.00
23 Bryce Boukogiannis 1 2 50.00
23 Ben Harris 1 2 50.00
23 Joel Roshan Raj 1 2 50.00
23 Samantha Calvert 1 2 50.00
23 Brendan MacDonald 1 2 50.00
23 Jack Hudson 1 2 50.00
23 Hayden Reynolds 1 2 50.00
31 Rohan Siddans 2 5 40.00
32 Sebastien Clavel 1 3 33.33
32 Andrew Hayes 1 3 33.33
32 Kobe Weder 1 3 33.33
32 David Hass 1 3 33.33
32 Michael Collins 1 3 33.33
37 Nick Randall 1 4 25.00
38 Lee Webster 0 4 0.00
39 Rhys Dowling 0 3 0.00
39 Hayden Murphy 0 3 0.00
39 Bryan Lim 0 3 0.00
39 Peter Rose 0 3 0.00
43 Kumail Naqvi 0 2 0.00
43 Joshua Rahul Raj 0 2 0.00
45 Nicholas Calvert 0 1 0.00
45 Clay Canty 0 1 0.00
45 Terrence Gibbons 0 1 0.00