MEN D SECTION: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Gerhard Steyn 5 5 100.00
1 Theo Geyser 5 5 100.00
1 Jaco Smith 5 5 100.00
1 Shane Christian 5 5 100.00
5 Andre Naude 3 3 100.00
6 Richard Beck 4 5 80.00
6 Neil Isaacs 4 5 80.00
6 Will Mason 4 5 80.00
6 Garron Reynolds 4 5 80.00
6 Howard Baybut 4 5 80.00
11 Jacques Louw 3 4 75.00
12 Moegamat Stenekamp 2 3 66.67
13 John Edwards 3 5 60.00
13 Yashlan Govender 3 5 60.00
13 Floyd Townes 3 5 60.00
16 Elroy Kleinveldt 1 2 50.00
17 Andrew Wanless 2 5 40.00
17 Keith Petty 2 5 40.00
17 Vincent Lourenco 2 5 40.00
17 Ruffie Moola 2 5 40.00
17 Vincent Watters 2 5 40.00
17 Steven Roux 2 5 40.00
23 Graham Jeffery 1 4 25.00
23 Anthony Batchelor 1 4 25.00
25 Reginald Nyandeni 1 5 20.00
25 Jan Howell 1 5 20.00
25 Robin Van Reenen 1 5 20.00
28 Garth McGahey 0 5 0.00
28 John Schenk 0 5 0.00
28 Selwyn Vosloo 0 5 0.00
31 Neil Gillett 0 4 0.00
32 Bradley Worth 0 3 0.00
33 John Cocoran 0 2 0.00
34 Riaan Carstens 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Gerhard Steyn 1316
1 Shane Christian 1316
3 Richard Beck 1313
4 Bradley Worth 1277
5 Will Mason 1258
6 Howard Baybut 1255
7 Vincent Watters 1228
8 Neil Isaacs 1223
9 Keith Petty 1208
10 Steven Roux 1200
11 Yashlan Govender 1179
12 John Edwards 1177
13 Jacques Louw 1161
14 Neil Gillett 1155
15 Andre Naude 1150
16 Robin Van Reenen 1134
17 Graham Jeffery 1129
18 Garron Reynolds 1118
19 Floyd Townes 1106
20 Vincent Lourenco 1025
21 Reginald Nyandeni 1016
22 Riaan Carstens 964
23 Jaco Smith 958
24 Theo Geyser 951
25 John Schenk 938
26 Anthony Batchelor 930
27 Elroy Kleinveldt 902
28 Selwyn Vosloo 849
29 Ruffie Moola 761
30 Andrew Wanless 589
31 Jan Howell 577
32 John Cocoran 535
33 Moegamat Stenekamp 512
34 Garth McGahey 494
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Gerhard Steyn 100.00 5 0
2 Shane Christian 100.00 5 0
3 Will Mason 80.00 4 1
4 Theo Geyser 100.00 5 0
5 Jaco Smith 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Theo Geyser 5 5 100.00
2 Jaco Smith 2 2 100.00
2 Howard Baybut 2 2 100.00
4 Gerhard Steyn 1 1 100.00
4 Andre Naude 1 1 100.00
4 Garron Reynolds 1 1 100.00
7 Moegamat Stenekamp 2 3 66.67
8 Neil Isaacs 1 2 50.00
9 Ruffie Moola 2 5 40.00
10 John Edwards 1 3 33.33
10 Floyd Townes 1 3 33.33
12 Steven Roux 1 4 25.00
13 Reginald Nyandeni 1 5 20.00
14 Garth McGahey 4 0.00
14 Neil Gillett 4 0.00
14 John Schenk 4 0.00
14 Selwyn Vosloo 4 0.00
18 Keith Petty 3 0.00
18 Jan Howell 3 0.00
18 Anthony Batchelor 3 0.00
21 Andrew Wanless 2 0.00
21 Vincent Lourenco 2 0.00
21 John Cocoran 2 0.00
21 Yashlan Govender 2 0.00
25 Vincent Watters 1 0.00
25 Elroy Kleinveldt 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Theo Geyser 726 951 225
2 Andrew Wanless 494 589 95
3 Ruffie Moola 696 761 65
4 Jaco Smith 897 958 61
5 Reginald Nyandeni 983 1016 33
6 John Edwards 1146 1177 31
7 Moegamat Stenekamp 482 512 30
8 Howard Baybut 1230 1255 25
9 Neil Isaacs 1205 1223 18
10 Steven Roux 1190 1200 10
11 Gerhard Steyn 1310 1316 6
12 Andre Naude 1145 1150 5
13 Jan Howell 574 577 3
13 Floyd Townes 1103 1106 3
15 Garth McGahey 492 494 2
15 Yashlan Govender 1177 1179 2
15 Shane Christian 1314 1316 2
18 Elroy Kleinveldt 900 902 2
19 Garron Reynolds 1117 1118 1
20 Anthony Batchelor 929 930 1
21 John Cocoran 535 535 0
22 Neil Gillett 1158 1155 -3
23 Will Mason 1263 1258 -5
24 Richard Beck 1319 1313 -6
24 Keith Petty 1214 1208 -6
26 Selwyn Vosloo 858 849 -9
27 Vincent Lourenco 1035 1025 -10
28 Jacques Louw 1171 1161 -10
29 John Schenk 951 938 -13
30 Vincent Watters 1243 1228 -15
31 Riaan Carstens 979 964 -15
32 Graham Jeffery 1159 1129 -30
33 Bradley Worth 1307 1277 -30
34 Robin Van Reenen 1169 1134 -35
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Garth McGahey 5 5 100.00
1 John Schenk 5 5 100.00
1 Selwyn Vosloo 5 5 100.00
4 Neil Gillett 4 4 100.00
5 Bradley Worth 3 3 100.00
6 John Cocoran 2 2 100.00
7 Riaan Carstens 1 1 100.00
8 Reginald Nyandeni 4 5 80.00
8 Jan Howell 4 5 80.00
8 Robin Van Reenen 4 5 80.00
11 Graham Jeffery 3 4 75.00
11 Anthony Batchelor 3 4 75.00
13 Andrew Wanless 3 5 60.00
13 Keith Petty 3 5 60.00
13 Vincent Lourenco 3 5 60.00
13 Ruffie Moola 3 5 60.00
13 Vincent Watters 3 5 60.00
13 Steven Roux 3 5 60.00
19 Elroy Kleinveldt 1 2 50.00
20 John Edwards 2 5 40.00
20 Yashlan Govender 2 5 40.00
20 Floyd Townes 2 5 40.00
23 Moegamat Stenekamp 1 3 33.33
24 Jacques Louw 1 4 25.00
25 Richard Beck 1 5 20.00
25 Neil Isaacs 1 5 20.00
25 Will Mason 1 5 20.00
25 Garron Reynolds 1 5 20.00
25 Howard Baybut 1 5 20.00
30 Gerhard Steyn 0 5 0.00
30 Theo Geyser 0 5 0.00
30 Jaco Smith 0 5 0.00
30 Shane Christian 0 5 0.00
34 Andre Naude 0 3 0.00